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Dear reader,

In the following text you will read some changes about fairs/events.

As you may have been told, the new animals act came into effect on 1 January 2013 (Rijksoverheid, 2014). As a result, some rules have changed that also apply to trade fairs and events. It is now mandatory for all animals that come together at one location, such as at fairs or events, to have a veterinary examination before the start of the event. The health declaration must be completed before the start of the event and handed over to the relevant organization. This declaration must be signed by someone with a veterinary qualification. In order to be allowed to trade animals, you must be skilled as an exhibitor. Read further on what this means. There is also an obligation to provide a paper version to the customer of the animal sold (digital is not described in the law)

Authorized person signing health statement
Only a graduaded veterinarian is authorized to sign the health statement

 of competence
In order to be allowed to trade animals on the stock exchange (this applies to all commercial exhibitors who sell animals), professional skills are required. Think of a CE Herpeten, CE Mammals, CE Fish, etc. or a vet with CE Herpeten.Animal keepers who started an animal company, shop, trade, etc. before 1 July 2014 have the option of obtaining a certificate of professional competence for a period of five years. This will last for these persons until January 2020. Since this time has passed, it is now mandatory to have a relevant CE for business activities. NOT FOR FOREIGNERS

Not many rules have been changed in relation to the rules of previous years. The biggest change is that all regulations of the different species are now in one uniform file. You only need to read the regulations regarding the specie you own or sell.

In general 
Because we as organizer need to develop at all times and because we are mandatory to follow the law, the regulations have been changed. For more information about the new animal law, click at the link below. (The link is in Dutch only). 

New animal law (only Dutch):


New regulation for animals from 01-11-2014


Additional regulations for only supplies, spiders and insects from 01-11-2014


 Adaptation regulations relating to salamanders (EU directive) These animals may not be offered, sold, exchanged or otherwise, within our events. For more information click the link below.


Cites B transfer
