General information and legislations animal event(s)
Legislations and information VHM-events
Dear member (s),
Please find the following important information.
It is not allowed to place/sell animals anywhere other than indicated by the organization (e.g. parking lot). NOTE: The door of the exhibitors entrance closes half an hour before the fair opening. From that moment unloading should be completed through the visitors entrance. Should you fail to arrive in time your spot may be re-rented.
In case of any questions about these regulations, please visit:
Art. 1 Terms and Conditions:
- Smoking in the fair is strictly prohibited;
- Placing posters, banners, etc. on walls, doors, windows, etc. is strictly prohibited by the venue owner. Any damage caused by this will be charged to you as an exhibitor.
- Dogs of exhibitors are allowed provided they are leashed. The organization reserves the right to remove dogs causing inconveniences;
- Not all areas (e.g. halls) are open for dogs;
- Parking only in the appropriate slots;
- No sales in general to unaccompanied children below 12 years of age;
- No sales of animals to unaccompanied children under 16 years of age without parent
- Animals that should be grafted in accordance with Dutch or Belgian (or other) legislation may not be sold without grafting and entrances;
- Animals that should have a chip ented or tattoo needed in Holland or Belgium , may not be sold without papers and information
- After the fair, please clean up after yourself;
- For further information about the fair please contact the organization. Members of the organization will be wearing a red jacket;
- During the course of the fair the organization reserves the right to check for quality and regulatory compliance. Collected data will be treated confidential and will remain within the organization at all times.
Art. 1.1 Opening
Please find the opening hours for exhibitors and visitors below.
Build from the following time:
- Houten 07:00 hour;
- Antwerpen (Belgien) 07.00 hour.
The fair is open from:
- Houten 10:00 hours to 16:00 hours;
- Antwerpen (Belgien) 10:00 hours to 16:00 hours;
- It is prohibited to offer animals other than described in this regulation;
- Animals on sale need to have a health statement;
Art. 2. Animals
This chapter contains general rules regarding animals. In chapter 2.2 a link has been added, referring you to regulations regarding animal transport.
Art. 2.1 General
It is required for all exhibitors with 1 animal or more, to bring a completed health statement. You can find the health statements elsewhere in art. 2.1.
There are three possibilities:
1. Check by someone with a veterinarian license (your own vet). It is not allowed for a veterinarian to check his own animals. When animals are checked before the event, the flow could be faster.
2. Health check on the event: till approximately ten animals. Those animals can be checked on the event. This will cost 10 euro for max 10 animals. For more than 10 animals see NO VET.
3. An in- or export statement: A statement of in- and export is also valid. When you give the organisation a copy, a healthstatement is not required anymore. Than the in- or export statement replaces the healthstatement. The statement needs to be signed within seven days before the event.
No vet:
When it is not posible to let your own vet to contole check the animals you can check them on the show with the vet how is availeble. Also when you have more than 10 animals, but let teh organisation know if you want to have check the animals on the show. (
NKV - promotionshows (April and December) and Rodentclub Rattonia (Juni and September):
For the rodent show animals will be checked by there own veterinary inspectors. It is necessary to fill the healthcertificate and to take it with you. No health certificate completed the inspection can slow down and complicate.
The queue and waiting time can be longer when a lot of animals need to be checked by VHM-events. There is no guarantee for entrance in time when there is a large crowd.
- Before the start of the animal fair, the exhibitor must have a valid animal health certificate for all of his animals (see form appendix);
- Before the start of the animal fair , the exhibitor must indicate which species and how many animals will be brought to fair. (See appendix point 1)
Please find below the health statement per animal species.
- Reptiles and amphibians; click for the form .pdf
- Exotic animals; click for the form .pdfF
- Rodents and rabbits; click for the form .pdf
- Bird and poultry; click for the form .pdf
- Cats; click for the form .pdf
- Fish and shrimp; click for the form .pdf
- No animals, or spiders/insects. click for the form .pdf
- Place animals in proper and spacious pens;
- Animals on sale may not be pregnant;
- Animals on sale need to have the age to be completely independent; (do not offer too young animals)
- At least 50% of the space in the pens must be free for the animal to be able to move freely;
- Place animals that are aggressive or bite in enclosed shelters, make sure there is no danger for the visitors. In addition place a sign stating the animals may be aggressive or could bite;
- Place the scientific and generic name of the animal on the animals pens (If possible with date of birth and the name of the breeder);
7. ALL ANIMALS HEAVY THAN 3 kg (does not apply to Herpeten)
- Make sure animals with a CITES status have the correct papers and permits;
- It is not allowed to sell animals and plants on the BUDEP list without dispensation.
- When you sell or deliver an animal, it is required to give written information to the new owner. Information about care, housing and the costs for the animal needs to be described. Also the state of health is mandatory to describe.
Art. 2.2 Transportation
For information regarding animal transport, click here As stated in the new animal law, there are regulations regarding animal transport, for more information click here (only Dutch). Especially important, article 2, section 5, sub 1&2.
Art 3. Animals on exhibition
This chapter contains information regarding animals on exhibition. For each group of animals, such as rodents and reptiles, a separate scheme will be described in the sub-sections below. For all animals a health statement needs to be issued, see chapter 2.1. You only need to read the rules for the specie you bring.
Art 3.0 Invasive animals and plants;
There are a number of animals on the invasive species list. This is a list of animals and plants that have been labeled as unwanted by Europe.
For the full list click on the link
For a number of species there is a transition period for companies. For more information click the link
It is no longer possible to offer them to private individuals. You can keep the animals until they die. Breeding with these animals is no longer allowed.
This is the direct answer from the government.
The common king snake has been on the list since Aug 1, 2022
The regular transitional condition (term) with regard to commercial stock applies to this species: Up to 1 year after the species has been included on the list, it is still allowed to sell to non-commercial holders. This is allowed through the regular sales channels such as auctions, pet shops and garden centers.
Relevant for trade:
Article 32 Regulation - Transitional provisions for commercial stocks
Paragraph 1. Holders of a commercial stock of specimens of invasive alien species acquired before they were included in the Union list may keep and transport those specimens for sale or transfer of live specimens for up to two years after the inclusion of the species on that list or reproducible parts of those species to the establishments referred to in Article 8 for ex situ research or conservation, and for medicinal activities, provided that the specimens are kept and transported in a closed environment and all appropriate measures are taken to prevent reproduction or escape, or may slaughter or humanely kill those specimens to exhaust the stock.
Paragraph 2. The sale or transfer of live specimens to non-commercial users is permitted up to one year after the species have been included in the Union list, provided that the specimens are kept and transported in a closed environment and all appropriate measures are taken to prevent reproduction or escape. impossible.
FYI for the hobby:
Article 31 Regulation- Transitional provisions for non-commercial owners
Paragraph 1. By way of derogation from Article 7(1)(b) and (d), owners of pet animals not kept for commercial purposes and belonging to the invasive alien species included in the Union list may keep such animals under the natural death, provided the following conditions are met:
(a) the animals were kept before they were included in the Union list;
(b) the animals are kept in a closed environment and all appropriate measures have been taken to prevent reproduction or escape.
Art.3.1 Reptiles and amphibian
- Do not offer poisonous snakes and other heavy poisonous animals in or outside the exhibition. When in doubt de organization decides;
- This in any case includes the following snake species: (Note: also poisonous snakes that have not yet been named)
- Category 1) All Boiga species, all Lycodryas species, all Malpolon species, all Oxybelis species, all Psammophis species, all Psammophylax species, all Tantilla species, all Telescopus species, all Vipera species, All Cerastes species, Agkistrodon contortrix, Crotalus (Sistrurus) catenatus, all Sistrurus species, all Aspidelaps species, all Bothriechis species, Phylodryas species, Atractaspis and Hydrodynastes species - - Category 2) All Trimeresurus species, Crotalus ruber, Crotalus enyo, Crotalus mitchelli, Crotalus cerastes, all Tropidolaemus species, Atheris squamigera, Daboia lebetina, Daboia mauritanica, all Causus species, Bitis caudalis, Bitis peringueyi.
- - Category 3) all other Crotalus species, all other Atheris species, all Thelothornis species, Dyspholidus typus, all other Bitis species, all Rhabdophis species, all Acanthophis species, all Boulengerina species, all Bungarus species, all Calliophis species, all Deinagkistrodon species, Daboia russeli, All Micruroides species, all Micrurus species, all Naja species, all Echis species, all Bothrops species, all Protobothrops species.
- - Category 4) all Pseudonaja species, all Oxyuranus species, all Pseudechis species, all Dendroaspis species, all Notechis species, Ophiophagus hannah, all Lachesis species, Bothrops asper, Protobothrops flavoviridis
This includes the following lizard species:
- All Heloderma sp. species
- Scorpions, centipedes and millipedes must be placed in sealed and taped mini-terraria. Do not remove animals from terrarium. Animals on sale need to be healthy, see article 2, lid 1&2.The following types of scorpions are not allowed:Please pack animals separately;
- Leiurus quinquestriatus; Androctonus australis; Androctonus bicolor; Hemiscorpius lepturus.
- Crocodilians (Crocodilia), crocodiles or armored reptiles:
These animals are no longer allowed from September 1, 2022. Whether or not the mouth is taped has no influence on this.
Offered all animals at the age that they are totally independent. AT LEAST 3 TIMES INDEPENDENT EATED (not offering to young animals)
Offering the animals in called bamie- and lid containers do not or limited (2 HIGH) at each stack.Preferable next to eachather.
Terrarium animals are allowed to be on eachather, provided the animals can look outside.
- Place the scientific and generic name of the animal on the animals pens (If possible with date of birth and the name of the breeder);
- It is not allowed to sell animals and plants on the BUDEP list without dispensation. For information about these animals please contact the CITES office, PO Box 1191, 3300 BD Dordrecht, phone: 0031(0)78-6395340, fax: 0031(0)78-6395350;
- Inform the purchaser about the origin, habitat and care of the animals. Not all customers have experience.
Art 3.2 Rodents and rabbits
Rodents and rabbits may be offered (not heavier than 3 KG)
The rodents that may be offered are:
Mice (Mus musculus) Miniature mice (Micromys minutus)
Spiny Mice Family Acomys
African pygmy dormice (graphiurus murinus)
Zebra grass mice (Lemniscomys barbarus)
Many nipples (mastomys natalensis)
African pygmy mice (mus minutoides)
Jerboa (dipodidae)Hamsters
Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
Phodopus, a genus of hamsters containing:
Russian or Siberian dwarf hamster (Phodopus sungorus sungorus)
Campbell's Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus sungorus campbelli)
Desert Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus roborovskii)
Chinese dwarf hamster (Cricetulus griseus)
Guinea pig (guinea pig porcellus)
Guinea pig aperea (Brazilian guinea pig)
Guinea pig fulgida (Amazon guinea pig)
Guinea pig tschudii (Tschudicavia)
Ratten (Rattus norvegicus domestica)
Kleine bamboerat (Cannomys badius)
Sumatraanse bamboerat (Rhizomys sumatrensis )
Neumann's grasratten (Arvicanthis neumanni)
Acasia ratten (Thallomys paedulcus)Rats (Rattus norvegicus domestica)
Gerbils (Gerbillinae)
Mongolian field mouse (Meriones unguiculatus)Libyan gerbil (Meriones libycus)
Persian desert mouse (Meriones persicus)
Shaw desert mouse (Meriones shawi)
Sundevall's gerbil (Meriones crassus)
Negevgerbil (Meriones sacrementi)
Lesser Egyptian field mouse (Gerbillus gerbillus)
Baluchistan gerbil (Gerbillus nanus)
Great Egyptian ram (Gerbillus pyramidium)
Pale gerbil (Gerbillus perpallides)
Cheesman's runner (Gerbillus cheesman)
Indian crested mouse (Tatera indica)
Naked-soled raccoon (Gerbilliscus robustus)
Small nude raccoon (Taterillus emini)
Fat-tailed gerbil (Pachyuromys duprasi)
Steppen Lemmingen (lagurus lagurus)
Mediterane woelmuizen (Microtus guentheri)
Rosse woelmuizen (Myodes glareolus
Muishamsters (Calomyscus bailwardi)
Provide rodents and rabbits with sufficient fresh drinking water (a piece of fruit is not sufficient), food and sufficient space in their habitats (especially rabbits should be provided with sufficient hay);
In rodent and rabbit shelters, at least half of the floor area should be free and contain a clean bottom substrate;
Do not place the rodent and rabbit shelters stacked on top of each other on the tables, but next to each other;
Do not place rodents and rabbits on the floor (only on the tables);
Inform the buyer about the origin, biotope and care of the animal, not all visitors to the fair have experience.
Art 3.3. Exotic Mammals
Exotic animals up to 3 kg may only be offered if they fit into an accommodation. (don't let go)
The exotic animals that may be offered are:
African White-bellied Cone Atelerix albiventris Big Eared Rule/Long Eared Rule Hemiechinus Auritus
Provide exotic mammals with sufficient fresh drinking water, food and sufficient space in their shelters;In the shelters of exotic animals, at least half of the floor space should be free and contain a clean bottom substrate;
Do not place the shelters of exotic animals stacked on the tables, but next to each other; do not place exotic animals on the floor (only on the tables);
Inform the buyer about the origin, biotope and care of the animal, not all visitors to the fair have experience.
Art 3.4 Birds and poultry
Art 3.5 Cats
- Animals need to be grafted in time against cat disease and flu, also the diseases FIV/FELV need to be excluded;
- Do not keep too many animals in one pen. Animals need to be able to move freely;
- Provide animals with enough drinking water and nutrition
- Please make sure the animal pens have clean floors;
- Do not place animal pens on top of each other but next to each other;
- Do not place animal pens on the floor, only on the tables;
- Inform the purchaser about the origin, habitat and care of the animals. Not all customers have experience.
Art 3.6. Animal stay
- No animals may be offered other than stated elsewhere in these regulations;
Housings in which the animals are offered may only have 1 transparent side. All other sides should not be transparent. BV completely closed containers with a transparent lid on top.
Do NOT stack the animals in the so-called bamboo and hinged lid trays. Terrariums with animals may be placed on top of each other, provided the animals can see outside.
The animals must have at least half, 50% of their housing free to move;
Place animals that are aggressive or biting in closed shelters or shield them in such a way that there is no danger to visitors. Also place a sign saying "dangerous bite these animals";
State the scientific name and species name of the species on the accommodation and date of birth/year and name of breeder;
Indicate on the housing of the animals whether it concerns wild-caught, farmbred, or captive bred
Indicate for all animals that these are temporary shelters.
Animals offered must be housed properly and in spacious boxes, terrariums.
adequate shelter/climbing facilities should be available in the shelters if necessary. Try to arrange the boxes or terrariums as naturally as possible;
Moisture, water and feed as needed and necessary.
For lizards and amphibians: at least 1.5 times the size calculated from head to end of body (tail not included). Animals must be able to lie stretched out.
For snakes: The shortest side must be at least 1/3 of the length of the animal;
For turtles: The tank should be at least twice the size of the animal's shell;
The animals must be able to rotate 360 degrees;
Art 4. Booking
- Once we have received your reservation it will be processed as soon as possible;
- You will receive confirmation via email or post (if you have no email address) with an invoice;
- The requested space is reserved for you as soon as we have received the reservation. (if there is not enough space, you will be informed and you will be added to the waiting list) If space becomes available again, we will process your reservation and give you a place. The requested space is reserved for you as soon as we have received the reservation. (if there is not enough space, you will be informed and you will be placed on the waiting list) If space becomes available again, we will process your reservation and give you a place. This will be confirmed to you via email. Your reservation remains valid until after the event network or you must indicate otherwise.
- NOTE: The reservation is not optional. Once we have received your booking you must meet all obligations under these regulations.
Art 4.1 Payment
- Please pay at least four weeks in advance. Payments can be made on account NL 22 ABNA in the name of Ter / vhm-events. Please state the invoice number and the event. Once payment has been received, the reservation is final. You will receive the invoice in advance by post or email. You may request a copy at the registration desk, which will be sent to you afterwards; If for some reason fail to pay early is always possible eventday itself.
- After checking all animals wristbands will be provided. Wristbands will not be sent in advance;
- No refunds are given to exhibitors whom cancel the event within eight weeks before the start of the event. Please be informed that you still owe the invoiced amount.
- No refunds will be given in case of failure to attend an event without a written cancellation notice
- The reservation is not optional.
Art 5 Others
This chapter contains additional rules such as rules about wristbands and electricity.
Art 5.1 Recognisability exhibitors
After registration, exhibitors receive their wristbands. Please wear the wristband on top of your clothes, as a result they can be checked quickly. Exhibitors without a visible wristband can be rejected at the entrance.
Art 5.2 Wristbands
One (1) wristband will be issued for each meter/table with a maximum of four wristbands per registration. The exception is that if you have reserved 1 table you will receive two wristbands (this is to ensure that your table is not left unattended when you go to a toilet, for example). If you have more than the indicated number of people with you, you are requested to wear wristbands. to the value of the entrance fee of the fair. The wristbands can be obtained at the registration desk or can be requested at the time of booking.
Art 5.3 Furniture
For every meter/table one chair maximum is included. For reservations of more than one meter/table there is a maximum of three chairs. If more seats are needed, chairs can be rented. The cost of chairs may vary by location.
Art 5.4 Power
- Do not use electricity other than indicated by organization. The organization has the right to stop the supply of electricity in case of abuse;
- The exhibitor is responsible for his own power reels;
- It is forbidden to place cords on the floor other than indicated by organization.
Art 5.5 Force majeure
Force majeure in this agreement means what is understood in this respect by law and jurisprudence, all external causes, foreseen or not foreseen, over which the party relying on it cannot influence, but as a result of which the party concerned is unable fulfill obligations.
The landlord is not obliged to fulfill any obligation towards the tenant, in case of force majeure, such that the landlord cannot reasonably be expected to fulfill the obligation entered into by means of this agreement.
In the event of force majeure on the part of the landlord, the landlord offers, if reasonably possible, the possibility to take the rented property free of charge to the next equal event.
In the event of force majeure on the part of the landlord, the tenant is not entitled to any compensation.
Down payments already made will be handled by the landlord in consultation with insurance companies and other parties involved, to the best of the lessor's ability. Both in case of force majeure on the side of the landlord and on the side of the tenant.
Insofar as the Landlord has already incurred costs at the time of commencement of the force majeure, which, as far as can be expected, arise from entering into this agreement or the landlord has partially fulfilled or will be able to fulfill its obligations under the agreement and has fulfilled them respectively. part to be fulfilled independent value accrues, the lessor is entitled to invoice these costs separately. The tenant is obliged to pay this invoice as if it were a separate agreement.
Art 5.6 Others
- Lastly, we kindly ask you to stay until the end of the event to prevent visitors from feeling disappointed unless you have sold everything.
- The organization is not liable for the quality of the sold and purchased goods and/or animals. Nor for; loss, theft, damage or injuries during the event;
- For foundations and associations, one chair and table will be provided free of charge.
- In the event of unforeseen circumstances, which have not been mentioned in this legislation document, the organization will decide.
The organization wishes everybody a nice day at the animal fair.
In case of any questions about these regulations, please visit: or